Lounge talk and professional development utopia does not improve schools - it's the daily action of all stakeholders that matters most to school improvement. The tour was one action step in our aggressive professional development plan designed to break down the walls of isolation, complacency, and professional resistance. Our low student achievement data warrants the need for systemic and radical improvement. We needed the teachers to "see it" for themselves. Teachers have to want to improve and be the change. Mandatory professional development does not work uniformly. Experiences planned for open-ended self-reflection produces exponential and sustainable results. Professional development based on choice satisfies the need of the human self-system.
Each half-day session (over the course of three full days) was attended by four teachers, from different grade levels, and myself. Substitutes were provided so the emotional experience would be uninterrupted and free of students. Before each tour, teachers read the author's short blog, discussed the five guiding questions; and defined data gathering procedures for solely self-reflection and school improvement planning. The teachers only carried blank paper and a copy of the prioritized environmental initiatives to record their thoughts and reactions to the campus environment. It was repeatedly clarified that the tour was non-evaluative and individual feedback would not be provided to teachers. Self-reflection and personal change was the top priority.
After walking through the entire facility, from outside to inside, teachers confidentially debriefed in my professional development room. As the coach, I only listened and kept the conversation moving. I did not offer feedback or insist on a viewpoint. The dialogue was free and candid and brutally honest.
The unique tour experience was extremely powerful and an eye-opening data collection for all stakeholders! Here a few of the comments collected from the evaluations...
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